Sunday, January 17, 2010

Faith: A work in progress (part 1)

Everyone knows the verse: "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen".
Without Faith, it is impossible to please God.
We've all heard these verses, and could probably quote them backwards and forwards.
but something dawned on me today, and I saw this verse in a way I hadn't before.
Faith is a SUBSTANCE. it's what gives our hope something tangible to cling to. I dont have any proof that God even exists! I cant prove it to anyone! But, my faith.... makes it all tangible, and I can see the evidence around me everyday.
Its an emotion, stirred and plucked like a musical instrument by the Holy Spirit. The kind of Faith we need doesn't come from ourselves, but it is a GIFT from God. Our own faith doesnt take us to heaven! it doesn't cleanse our sins. God does that. He makes our faith a SUBSTANCE. He makes it as tangible to us as anything in our physical world.

Faith is our proof. But only proof to ourselves. not to anyone else. I cant convince anyone else that God exists. Until they have that faith, it really cant be explained. It's different for everyone... some come across it quickly, others it takes longer. Its a spiritual stirring that God must do inside you.
I have a SUBSTANCE, a tangible feeling, a stirring of my mind, that tells me that HE is out there. and what He says is always truth. It's not tangible with my hands, but with my SOUL. It latches on and becomes a part of me. Defines who I am and what I do.
It doesn't make me perfect, but it makes me want to try.

In many ways, Faith is like the Holy Spirit, and I am coming to the conclusion that MAYBE (conjecture on my part) they ARE the same thing. maybe the Holy Ghost as we call Him, can be simply defined as "FAITH".
It comes, it lives in us, and through us, an extension of God Almighty.

Its a humbling thought.... maybe we should listen to that Faith a little more often. Maybe then, we would do all the things we are supposed to. Not to get to heaven, but to please the One who is already taking us there.

More on this later.
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