Sunday, June 20, 2010

Hiding our Light Under the Bushel of 'Separation'

"This little Light of Mine, I'm gonna let it Shine. Hide it under a bushel? NO! I'm gonna let it Shine!"

We have all probably had this old Sunday School song drilled into our heads as kids. We would all say that we would NEVER hide our light. That we are proud of who we are as Christians. This song is the root of this type of thinking. its not a bad song, but hopefully I can explain my point of view.

How Light works:
A light needs several things in order for it to be useful.. in this case the three things are:

1- A Source

A source of light: the Sun, lightbulbs, flames, etc.
God is our source of Light. We do not shine with a literal light, we all know its figurative. But the Bible does refer to Himself as the Light of the world and we should reflect that light, becoming (for all intents and purposes) lights as well. It is our Message that shines out to the lost world. That pierces the darkness.

2- A bearer

The candle is useless until it is lit, as is the flame useless until it has a wick to light. You cannot shine the light without a flashlight. The bulb will do you no good until its within the handle.
Our Message (our Light) needs a bearer to shine it out to the world.

The alst thing that is needed for an effectual light is:

3.- Darkness.
What good is a candle or flashlight in a room fully lit? Yes, we should go to church and fellowship with other believers. Light makes us feel good. When we are scared as children, light makes us feel secure. The more lights the better.
You would say it was wasteful to be shining a flashlight into a bright room. We cannot spend all of our time in a lighted room...its not what we are called to do.

I understand that this is subject might scare alot of Christians. I don't want to be known as someone who thinks you can go to a bar and have a drink with someone and expect to be a good witness.
That being said, we will be examining Separation. What does the Bible say about it? How much is too much?

News Flash: there will be darkness. It is unavoidable. There is sin. And to think taht you, as a Christian can hide in your little corner and not confront it is a big mistake. We are IN this world. Physically and Spiritually., and this world IS sin. It IS darkness. Sinners are everywhere and WE ARE SINNERS! Jesus said that he didn't come to the world to condemn it, but that the world through HIM might be saved. He was THE Light. The Source. His message was not of condemnation but of grace and mercy. That ALL men might be saved. he was among the poor, and the lost, and the despised. He is our example.

Let's be practical (I know, scary word for 90% of 'Christians') We are all sinners. Some of us have discovered the Grace that God offers to all men. Our main difference is that Grace. Heaven forbid we think too highly of ourselves! We did NOTHING to deserve Grace. We are no better than anyone else. Just sinners saved by Grace.

Another practical outlook: We are all brothers and sisters. We all come from the same place. Whether you believe in the origins of Adam and Eve as the parents of humanity (as I do) or that we all came from primordial ooze, we can all agree that we came from the same place.
We are all human! Brethren! Black or White, Hispanic or Indian, it doesn't MATTER. We are one.
Why then, when some of us find the true meaning of life and Grace Everlasting, do we hide ourselves away as if in SHAME of our discovery? Why do we not go to our brethren and share this gift? Why do we build walled compounds (both literal and figurative) to separate us from our Brothers and Sisters?

Galatians 5:1
"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage."

It is obvious from Galatians 5 that a Christian is a part of a world of sin. But we STAND in it through Christ.
"and be not entangled AGAIN with the yoke of bondage"
I feel the bondage here is sin. You will be in the world, but don't get entangled in the sin again.

II Cor 6:14-17

"Be not unequally yoked"

Ah, the passage that everyone runs to when we don't go to that office Christmas party. We run to it when we try to defend out standards. it is the Crutch of the Separated Christian.
Look Closer, and take it in context.
The word "Yoked" was used when you would yoke oxen together and they would work together. They move towards a common goal.
Well, if that is the case then we as Christians should not be out in the working world because we are working with unbelievers towards a common goal. the goal that it is speaking of is not what you may think. Our goal for our LIVES should not be yoked with the unbelievers. They're goal is to make lots of money and live it up and party till they die. That is not our goal. Our goal is for God's Honor and Glory. In THAT we CANNOT be yoked together.
But does that mean I cant work with a lost person and make a great team together? of course not.
We all have to deal with co-workers and even unsaved friends. We just wont be working towards the same goal.

Let's go on:
"..What fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness..."

While looking up the word fellowship. I found a lot of reference to how the SAVED should fellowship together. Phil 1:5 says"...our fellowship in the Gospel" it is a connection through the Gospel that we cannot have with the lost. Think of it as a spiritual connection. Seen in that light, yes, we can see that unrighteousness and righteousness cannot mesh. The unrighteous will not WANT to fellowship with us in the way the righteous do.
Also, don't discount a supernatural (I know, we are all scared of that word) connection that we have through Christ.
Does this mean we cannot have lost friends? I cant find anywhere were the Bible says those words. Sure. we wont be as close as if we were yoked together to the same goal, but we can be friends. After all, we are all human, and all sinners. Don't forget that.

"...what communion has light with darkness"
Heres the point i want to hit home.
Communion speaks of our partaking of Christ. A one time deal. So, obviously, the lost (or dark) cannot partake in that communion unless they cast the darkness and unrighteousness aside and turn to Christ.
So, the lost don't have a part in our communion, but I see that as a sad a thing we need to change by our Testimony.

vs. 17 "Wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the LORD"
If we stop there it looks like the case of Separation is a clear one. But the verse goes on.
"...and TOUCH not the unclean thing; and I will receive you"

For example: If you ever go out Street preaching you will know this; You may go out to sin-ridden streets and preach in front of lasciviousness and immorality. Inside the dark, the light shines the brightest. If you ever have been in a cave and seen true darkness, it makes even the smallest light shine brighter. Like a beacon.

We "come out from among them" when we are saved. it makes us separate. But obviously, we are still on this earth...and sin is very much real. It is a SPIRITUAL separation UNTO GOD! we will not be PHYSICALLY separated from the dark until he comes to get us. because we are NOT READY TO BE SEPARATED. Don't try to rush something that GOD did not intend yet.
We cannot afford to be afraid to be around sin. The Lord also says He will not tempt us above that which we are able to bear.

I know what you are thinking: that I am some "Neo" or "Liberal", that I believe solely in lifestyle evangelism, and that I go to places with rampant sin looking for trouble. Thats just not true. There must be a balance.
We must look at what our weakness are and judge what is expedient for us.
For example:
I have never had a problem with alcohol. I can be around it and I am just not tempted by it. Needless to say i don't frequent bars and such where that is the sole purpose. I have been to restaurants like Chili's where alcohol is served. its not a problem for me. However, a recovering alcoholic might have a problem with that, and as such should avoid those places.
Know yourself.

We should be separated unto God Spiritually until we are Separated unto Him Physically.
This does not mean that we can lock away our lights and not shine it. You must be good stewards of what He has given you. Don't hide it from your brother's and sister's because you are afraid to be around them.
"Go out into the highways and byways and COMPEL them to come in" - to come into the light. Not to come to church, but to receive the gift of grace that God gives to all.

To sum up: Light cannot Fellowship in dark. It cuts through and exposes the sin problem. But how will they see if the light is not shone into the dark? Are you hiding the light under the bushel because you think you need to be Separated? Are you avoiding contact with humans because you don't want to be seen with those filthy sinners.
Get off your pedestal and realize that you too are a sinner. A sinner saved by Grace...but a sinner still. Never think to highly of yourself.
if you put that light under a bushel it WILL suffocate and become useless.

take an interest in your coworkers lives! Don't act like you are better than them. Always admit your mistakes and use that time as a witness tool to show that no one is perfect. Remind them of the grace of God.
Help the poor and needy. Feed the hungry, clothe the naked.
Don't lock your light away from the world when they so desperately need it.

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