Sunday, February 28, 2010

The "Extreme" Versus the Traditions

NOTE: PLEASE read the previous post from earlier today about the "15 Theses)

I posted those 15 theses' earlier today and I've had some time to ponder them and search them out. Some I agree with, others not so much. I'm going to go over each one and point out some things.

1. The Church is a way of Life, not a series of Meetings
I agree with this. As someone told me, it comes down to an issue of the heart. Regardless of where you meet... if the people's hearts aren't right, then nothing will be right. If the church becomes more personal...more "in your face" and blunt, would this not help our heart condition? Its a way of life.... constricting that life to one day a week on Sundays is not helping our Christian lives!

2. Time to Change the System

I realize that sometimes things need to change. But, myself especially, need to be careful about "change for change's sake". I agree that the time has come for SOMETHING to be done. We need to be more Christ-like in our churches instead of back-stabbing gossipers.
Yes, some of this comes from my past experiences with churches...but that doesn't make the truth any less real. The current way of doing things is NOT WORKING. Its not glorifying God as much as it could. It uplifts possessions and man's abilities. Yes, all problems with man's heart...but then again...what isn't?

3. Third Reformation
Something needs to change, I agree. Luther changed the message of the Catholic church, yes...but now all you have there is a strange Catholic-Christian Hybrid. He didn't take it far enough to remove the traditions and materialism that plagues our churches today.

4. From church-houses to house-churches
This one is tricky for me.
One one hand I agree that a church can work out of homes...and it would be a pleasant experience...and one that could be honoring to Christ...more so than these Mega-Churches. But, something my sister-in law pointed out to me, is that really addressing the problem in the church or just running from it? It's a heart problem. The people are not getting taught the right things, the right way or in the right spirit.
I do believe that traditional churches can be glorifying to God...but that its not the only way to "assemble yourselves together".

5. The Church must become small in order to grow big

I think the author of this missed the point a little. He's implying that a Mega-Church needs to be torn apart and start from square one in order to get things back on track. Now, sadly, this might be what it takes to get the peoples spirit back on track.
If they are too materialistic sell the jewel-encrusted buildings and give the money to the poor.
We have to get away from this numbers mentality. It shouldn't matter if there's 12 people or 20 or 2000. If the church NEEDS 2000 members to give money in order to pay the bills, then maybe some things should be scaled back. We need to get out of capitalizing our churches. We are not a business, nor a political party, so lets stop handling our churches like one. Exemplify faith that GOD can take care of His own. If we do that...the church building could burn down tomorrow and it wouldn't matter. The church would still go on.

6. No church is to be led by a pastor ALONE
A pastors role is very important. I don't want to lessen that. But I also don't want to put them on a pedestal. They are human just like us. They are fallible.
The pastor should be supported by ALL of the Church. They should ALL be helping to carry the load. The pastor is there to organize, preach, teach, and bring counsel.
Also, on a related note, the pastor should be training his people in such a way that even if he were to drop dead, the church would go on. Someone would have been trained the right way to step up and start teaching. If the pastor is the backbone holding EVERYTHING up in a church, it will crumble when he falls....and sadly they usually do, because NO ONE wants to DO anything. heaven forbid you serve your local church.

7. The right pieces, fitted together in the wrong way

There's little to no emphasis on serving. if the core 10 members were to die, the church would die. The members should ALL be taught to serve in SOME capacity.... not just being preachers or teachers. maybe cleaning the bathrooms or vacuuming, or preparing a meal. Every member actively involved....invested in their church.

8. God did not leave the church in the hands of a bureaucratic clergy.
Basically, I think this should read: Church is not a political party or a business.
Jesus Christ Himself pushed over the money changers tables in the temple. I will expound on this later.

9. Return from organized religion to organic.

here's the point: that we are fake. Our religion isn't enough of a part in our lives. We go to church on Sunday and sit in our padded pews and give our offerings...but then bicker behind each other's backs. There's a disconnect. We need something real. Something from God directly.

10. From Worshiping our Worship to Worshiping God

This is one of my favorites, because I believe it hits home so well. We have our little church traditions but WHY? Tradition for Traditions sake is useless. If it doesn't help us be better witnesses and better Christians....why does it exist? That is a question to put to any tradition you have in your church.
Such as your offering plates: do I put money in here so that people will see me and think I'm a good Christian? Or do I do it cause I love giving to God?
Would it not be better to have a private way of giving that NO ONE knows? Maybe of your toilets and not getting any recognition for it. There's too much "thank you so and so for setting up those tables..." in our pulpits. Amplify Christ in all you do.

11. Stop bringing people to the church and bring the church to the people

A better way to word this I think would be: Stop focusing on filling your pews and focus on teaching your people how to witness WITH THEIR LIVES. thats what church is about. Not to fill the pews so that we can get more money to maintain our ritzy lifestyle-center/churches.
If the lost people want to come to a service...great! they wont like it. We will make them as welcome as we can...and we will witness to them. But the church is for saved people.

12. Lord's Supper as an Actual Supper

This one I find kinda silly. The Lords supper is very pictorial. It's deeper than just consuming food. I like the way its done now. it amplifies Christ and His Grace to lost, evil sinners.
He could strike you down for eating unworthily, but He does not. Because of HIS Grace.

If you want to eat...have a fellowship. But keep the Lord's Supper

13. From Denominations to City-Wide celebrations.
I like the idea of taking services and preaching and teaching to the streets. Show your witness in a way that's engaging and thought-provoking...just don't be a loon.

14. Developing a Persecution-Proof Spirit.

This is essential. we have become too complacent as Christians. We need to live like we are under persecution...because one day we may have to meet in secret. Could you put away your petty differences?

15. The Church Comes Home.

I think the home is an extension of church. You have a service, then you go home and discuss it with your family. it should be an essential part of the service. And also, you should implement what was taught throughout the week.

I'm going to expand on all of these as I mull them over. This is by no means comprehensive or complete. Just my thoughts...which could change as I study and pray.

more later.

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