Friday, May 21, 2010

Reserve Judgement

I'm just going to send out a small blog post today. I have about an hour before I need to go to work, and some things are on my mind. I've been thinking about how we judge people. Not the "oh, he/she must be a bad person" kind of judgment... but good OR bad judgment.

We are all human...we look someone up and down the first time we meet them...and silently and quickly make a judgment on who that person is. I understand that...its just how we are wired.
But when you learn information about someone and yet STILL cling to that first judgment, you are erring. Its the problem with most Christians and Non-believers alike. We just wont let go. We wont let someone prove themselves.

So, today, I want to just step back from what I initially think about people. I know I will always make those initial judgments (because I am human) but am I willing to give up those judgments? Its hard to admit when you were wrong about someone...I know.. but its a sign of maturity and wisdom to reserve judgment.

Give someone a chance today to prove themselves to you. Don't lock anyone away in a box. Because if you do, you might miss the truth about them...and that truth can make you understand that person like you never would have.

More on this later.

- Posted using BlogPress for iPad

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