Sunday, February 21, 2010

Faith: A Work in Progress (Part 2)

"So few of those who claim they have Faith actually live by it"

As I said before, faith is a substance. Its the "Evidence of things not seen". I'm not perfect by far. The difference is I don't claim to be. We preach from our pulpits about having Faith in God for the things we need, for showing us His will for a situation but then we turn around and bicker and complain and backstab our fellow Christians. How is this "living by faith"? aren't we just "Living by the Seat of our Pants"?

Everything I write kind of all ties together in some way. The last post I was talking about God and Time, and how God controls everything. So, do we really have faith in God to work out a situation? When we try to find out what God's will is, then take a vote on is this FAITH?! It's not.
You can't have it both ways. Decide. Do you have faith that God will work things out, or do you want to take a vote and see what the PEOPLE want. Actions speak louder than words... and you're actions aren't screaming faith.

Christianity isn't a Democracy, its a Theocracy.
Do you have faith in God? If not, then don't preach it.

More on this later.

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