There's been an increase lately in Muslim Mosques being built in the US. its the fastest growing religion in the US. Here in Middle TN there was a community banning together to not let the Muslims build in their community. And, most recently, the outrage behind the mosque near the 9/11 site. 90% of you have probably seen the mass-status copy-paste going on Facebook right now.
this issue touches on
a few areas. One being personal freedom of religion as granted by the Constitution.
Most of the Hysteria (yes, hysteria) is due to misinformation. There is already a mosque 4 blocks from the WTC site, it has been there since BEFORE 9/11. No one is complaining about that. Also, the new mosque is 2 blocks from the WTC site.
Here's a map:
Photo from
Sorry for the language, I did not make this map, but we are all adults here.
Here's the real issue here. Why are most people so opposed to this mosque?
It is FEAR.
You are AFRAID it will happen again. You are AFRAID of them.
Is that not the purpose of a terrorist?
to incite FEAR into your everyday life?
Years before 9/11 we had no fear for the mosque 4 blocks from the WTC, but now, now we are scared little children cowering before the coward terrorists.
We cannot fear them! its history repeating itself. The Indians, the African Americans (some of which still goes on to this day, for shame.) and now the Muslims.
Let me say i in no way condone the acts of the terrorists of 9/11, and I will NOT stand by and let them use the fear they created. If we ban this mosque, (to use the words of right-wing nuts) then "the terrorists win."
What does the Bible say about this? What does it say about loving our enemies?
"Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you." - Luke 6:28
Are you blessing them when you TRAMPLE on their Freedom of religion?
There's a passage I love, and its quickly becoming my favorite passage. Most people read over it and ignore it (or seem to, based on the way they live their lives). it can apply to how we treat other christians, lost, and even those who want to kill us.
Romans 12:17-19
17Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.
18If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.
19Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
What a powerful fact that whole chapter is filled with good rules about how to live with difficult people.
Recompense to NO MAN evil for evil. Leave your own hatred at the door and let GOD deal with it.
This passage speaks for itself in so many ways, and I feel I havent even begun to touch on it. I will do my own study on this passage and a follow-up blog post.
For now, are you praying for those who despitefully use you? Are you praying and loving for those who wish you DEAD? Or would you rather go the way of bigotry and deny someone their basic rights? the same rights YOU ENJOY on a daily basis?
How can you call yourself a Christian and harbor this hatred? We don't condone or even accept what they have done, but the acts of some evil men do not mean we should condemn the entire people. It is racism at its very core, because you would be FINE if a baptist church were put up on the site. We would then bless that...we would give it our stamp of approval. We would celebrate that.
be careful of how you are portaying yourself to the world. You may not harbor the hate, but by forwarding emails, and mass-copy-paste facebook status', you are only fueling a fire that will consume and destroy.
The muslims aren't the problem. The untrue Christian is.
More on Romans 12 in a later post.